Now on Ancient Faith Radio
As Iron Sharpens Iron
Recovering Authentic Manhood Through Orthodox Christianity
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Men are not meant to be alone!
Men learn how to become a man from other men.
It takes a brotherhood.
The Brotherhood of St Paisios are men teaching men how to become a man.
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to Join Our Brotherhood
We are committed Orthodox men working to become better fathers, husbands, providers and leaders - to become the men God created us to be.
Masculinity is under attack in our society. We are fed lies about what a man is. We seek to counter those lies with the Truth, and restore authentic Godly masculinity in the hearts of men.
Ready to join us? Complete these easy 3 steps now.

Step One
Sign up for our emails
We will keep you posted regarding all of our public zoom meetings, but also learn about our events, programs and much more.
(Please make sure you check your spam/junk mail folder to confirm your request for our emails).
Join HereStep Two
Telegram Community
Join our Telegram Chat Group.
Get to know our community of hundreds of committed Orthodox men discussing important issues.
Important: When you sign in you will be prompted to answer 5 questions about yourself. Answer the questions within 10 minutes or you will be banned. (It is necessary to stop spammers).
Join HereStep Three
Become A Pledged Member
Take on the the essential disciplines of the faith with other men.
(Becoming a pledged member is required to participate in all the Brotherhood's programs).
As a pledged member of the St Paisios Brotherhood, I commit to:
- Maintain a daily prayer rule, morning, and evening.
- Daily readings of the Holy Scriptures, the lives of the Saints, the Psalter or other Orthodox writings.
- Regular attendance and participation in the Church Sacraments
- Participate in all the Fasts of the Orthodox Church calendar.

Join The Brotherhood Community
Attend our public meetings.
We host two public online meetings each month to encourage and support Orthodox men in becoming the men God has called us to be.

Join Our Pledged Member Boot Camp
For Pledged Members Only.
Ready to become the man God has been calling your to be?
Learn the foundational Orthodox disciplines/practices that help men in living and supporting one another, our families and communities.
Boot Camp 10.0 starts February 5th is full.
Boot Camp 11.0 starts April 23rd, 2025

Achieving Sexual Integrity 9.0
Fr Hans has developed a powerful 8 week course to help men.
We provide weekly instruction and support for regaining integrity in all areas of our lives.
ASI 10.0 starts May 1st 2025 (after Pascha).

Ancient Advice
Wisdom comes from experience. We look to the wisdom that our ancient fathers have passed to us. St Paisios guides us as we seek to recover this wisdom and learn to apply it.

Start a Local Chapter of the Brotherhood at Your Parish
Learn how to develop a successful chapter.
Plus, a weekly online meeting designed to encourage and support in you in leading your group.

Join A Brotherhood Battle Team
Battle Teams offer the community, structure, direction, answers, and the accountability you need.
Join a community of men who have experience, knowledge, wisdom, and support each other.
Join Our Telegram Chat Community
We host a growing community of men discussing a host of topics and encouraging one another in the faith.

Join Our Clergy Community
Fr Hans a private gathering of clergy to discuss the issues of men in the orthodox church and ways to support them.
Surrounded by distortions, excesses and confused images of masculinity, men in the West find themselves in an existential crisis. With the guiding wisdom of Fr. Hans Jacobse, the St Paisios Brotherhood looks to renew a spirit of brotherhood, accountability and mentorship towards an authentic vision of the Christian man.
Jonathan Pageau
Editor of "The Symbolic World" podcast

Why the St Paisios Brotherhood?
The fragmentation of the family and dissolution of the anchors of faith have made it harder than ever for young men to grow into adults. The St. Paisios Brotherhood is a clear light shining in these dark times.
Dr. David Bradshaw
Professor of Philosphy
Author of "Aristotle East and West"
In these days of increased Nones & Dones and also record numbers of Seekers in our Orthodox Christian Communities, it is clear that the St. Paisios Brotherhood is providing a much needed forum. The need for such ministries can be measured by the obvious growth in numbers of participants.
The Very Rev Dr Chad Hatfield,
St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary,President & Professor of Pastoral Theology

Nick Soter
The men of the St. Paisios Brotherhood are 100% committed to following Christ and doing His will for their lives.
They know that men cannot stay the course alone, and that being isolated as men in this culture leads to failure.
Teaming up with others is the key to long-term success in meeting our goals.

Joseph Timothy
The St. Paisios Brotherhood stands as a city on a hill for a generation of men lost in the spiritual struggle. It is led by a team of Orthodox clergy and laymen committed to helping all men who come with a desire for virtue, truth and to live a life of repentance and the Orthodox Faith. The SPB is not just helping men lead better lives in this world; it is preparing them for the age to come and saving their souls.

Derek Claypool
The St. Paisios Brotherhood is a significant source of encouragement, energy, and accountability for me.
As a recent convert to Orthodoxy the Brotherhood provides me with consistent access to a network of men who meet regularly helping each other rise out of the mire of confusion and toxic shame, that naturally accompanies life in western world.
St Paisios - Advice to men:
You must take care of the purification of your soul on a daily basis.
You must acquire divine justice and not logic, for only then the grace of our Christ will come to you.
Before you do something, think if Christ wants you to act accordingly.
You must perfectly practice obedience, so you may later talk to others about the virtue of obedience.
The "no" you say to people must be "no", and the "yes" must be "yes". Do not pretend, but say whatever you think, even if it hurts the other person; say it in a good manner, however, and also give some explanations.
You must have and maintain this spiritual dignity; always pay attention to what pleases your fellow monks and not to what pleases yourself.
Everyday, you should read a section from the New Testament for the purification of your soul.
Do not look at what other people do, or examine how, and why they do it.
Your own goal is the purification of your soul and the perfect submission of your mind to divine grace.