Resources for those on the journey.

St Paisios Brotherhood
What is masculinity? Ep 1
What is masculinity? Ep 1 fr butler masculinity podcast Dec 13, 2021

Fr Michael Butler begins an important new podcast series on masculinity and orthodoxy.

Masculinity is not whatever you want it to be.  There are objective characteristics to what masculinity is. Fr Michael explores what it means to be a good man vs being good at being a man.


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St. Paisios on Manliness fr lourie st paisios Dec 06, 2021

We promise to assist you along the path of authentic, Christian manhood, and we pray we can aid each other - 

“Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of...

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THE NARROW WAY OF ORTHODOXY fr hopko Nov 24, 2021

 “...narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be who find it.” (Mt 7:14).

The holy fathers teach us never to give advice unless we are asked. On this principle I might dare to offer some words of advice to you from our North American Orthodox experience since you have...

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The Advent Fast fr lourie Nov 24, 2021

The Nativity Fast is divided into two periods.

The 1st period is November 15th through December 19th when the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine and oil) is observed with katalysis (allowance or permission) for wine and oil on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and for...

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A Word to the Young Guns fr trenham video Nov 13, 2021

Father Josiah Trenham encourages young men in using their youth for the glory of God.  Well worth listening to it and pass it on.

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Can I Really Break My Addiction To Pornography? article fr jacobse pornography Nov 05, 2021

A better question to ask is, “Can God really help me overcome my addiction to porn and masturbation?” 

Yes, He can. You can’t do it without Him however.  

Try it alone and it wont work. All we have without God is our own willpower and that’s usually good for...

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Lustful Thoughts article fr gillis pornography Oct 28, 2021

Many do not realize that the ancient Church Fathers deal rather specifically with the problem of unwanted sexual thoughts, albeit from a man’s perspective.  Unfortunately, there were very few women in the ancient world who were able or had the leisure to read and write, so there...

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How Can I Prepare for What is Coming? article fr lourie Oct 20, 2021

More and more people are getting worried, stressed, about the future.

Land Of The Worried: 83% Of Americans Very Stressed Over Nation’s Future

What's going to happen in this world? Is the world going to collapse? What am I going to do? How can I get ready for whatever is coming? What...

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Brotherhood: Learning How To Become A Man Through Communion With Other Men fr jacobse video Oct 08, 2021

This is a video recording of the first session of an Orthodox Christian Men's Retreat titled "The Path of the Christian Man." The title of this first session is "Brotherhood: Learning how to become a man through communion with other men.

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Fear and the Orthodox Man article fr lourie Sep 29, 2021

Something I have heard other preachers say is: “The Bible says 365 times, Fear Not, or some derivative of that. That’s one for every day.”

I don’t know if that is true, it could be, I am not about to count. It’s a nice preaching device whether it is true or not.


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Monasteries article fr lourie Sep 16, 2021

Inquirer: Father, why should I go to a monastery? 

Abouna: There are many reasons. Why do you go anywhere? To receive something? 

Why do you go to a store? A ballgame? On vacation?  

Why is there a long Christian tradition of retreat? And pilgrimage? 

The answer is plain to...

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Living In An Age Of Pornography And Overcoming Lust article fr lourie pornography Aug 27, 2021

Orthodox Anthropology Summary

The Fathers of the Church teach us that man's true health is associated with the state of perfection intended for him by nature, the potential of the Pre-Fall man.

Perfection means deification or theosis, the ability to become god, attainable by grace.

The Ancestral...

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